Greetings, everyone.
Enquire about your local dealers. Do any nearby KIA dealerships provide a Fast Lane-style oil change service that allows customers to come in their vehicles for an oil change and tyre rotation without requiring an appointment? Where it operates on a first-come, first-served basis?
I am enquiring because the nearby KIA dealerships do not provide immediate service, and there is a minimum three-month wait for an oil change and tyre rotation. In most instances, they need customers to leave off their vehicles and return later for pickup. It is quite inconvenient. I like servicing my automobiles at dealerships; however, arranging appointments over three months in advance is a challenge due to my unpredictable schedule and infrequent car use.
It is peculiar for me, since I have never encountered a dealer or manufacturer that lacks this kind of assistance. Is this a characteristic exclusive to KIA?
Thank you.