I presume you own Full Self-Driving capability? Since FSD V12, the user lacks the capability to establish the maximum speed while not on limited-access highways. Despite disabling the automatic speed feature, it often fails to reach the maximum speed you have configured. During a recent drive on a straight length of road with no traffic and a speed limit of 55 mph, I set my speed to 62 mph, but the vehicle maintained a steady speed of 50 mph. It was exasperating. Modifying the FSD setting to enable speed determination was ineffective.
My answer is to create an additional driver profile with Enhanced Autopilot and Full Self-Driving disabled. This enables me to adjust the speed, and it works well.
Another concern I have encountered, which has compelled me to use the EAP profile instead of my FSD profile, is to curvilinear mountain routes where it displays inaccurate speed limits. I was on a road where the speed limit was under 30 mph, but the vehicle erroneously detected the limit as 55 mph, resulting in significant acceleration when activating FSD. One of my most terrifying situations with FSD. Another aspect of my EAP profile settings is its activation based on my current speed, rather than the potentially inaccurate speed restriction. FSD prohibits that control.